Children of cheapskate parents expose their most insane stories

When it comes to money, different people have different perspectives. While some want to spend every single day like it’s their last and spend their money on luxuries and good stuff, others live frugally and believe they should be saving money for rainy days. Of course, not spending a lot isn’t a bad thing, but being a cheapskate indeed lowers the quality of life, and not only of the person who isn’t willing to spend anything but on their family too.

Cheapskate often find joy when they gets things for free, no matter how small of insignificant the item might be.

If you are lucky not to know what it feels like to be sharing a roof with a cheapskate, read the following stories shared by people on Reddit to see their crazy experiences.

1. How This Dad Scored a Free Bar of Soap with a Clever Trick

u/[deleted]: When my dad moved into his house, he had a guy come over to do a free demonstration for a water filter that goes under a sink. The guy used a bar of soap for his demonstration and left it when he was done.

My dad called at least four other companies for a free demonstration just to keep the free bar of soap and never intended to have a water filter installed. He does things like this, which worsens as he ages. But I just let him do his thing.

2. Dad’s Attachment with Paper Towels

Source: Unsplash

u/TheCommonStew: My dad hoards his paper towels. To this day, he still expects me to ask permission to use them (I’m 21) because he doesn’t want me to waste them. I remember thinking it was $100 bucks for a roll because he was so concerned about me wasting them.

He is a cheapskate and spends twice as much money on everything because he only gets the cheapest thing that breaks or doesn’t work as well. While my girlfriend and I were at his house, I dropped a gallon of milk everywhere. She grabbed paper towels and used the whole roll to soak up the mess.

I felt so sinful helping her, but the look on my dad’s face when he found out we used a whole roll, was priceless. I knew he wouldn’t yell at us because he was too polite to yell in front of my girlfriend. But, he was visibly holding back his pain, anger, and heartbreak over the “wasted” roll.

3.What a Unique Approach to Saving Every Coin

u/notronbro: Oh my God, dads are terrible. Mine hates paying for electricity, so he hangs his clothes up outside, which would be fine if he didn’t do it year-round, even when it’s below freezing.

Whenever my sisters or I cleaned our rooms, he would go through our trash, looking for “valuables” we had thrown away (money or recyclables). He’s obsessed with gas prices, and I once sat in the car with him as he drove around town for half an hour searching for the cheapest gas.

When he wants to drive down a hill, he literally puts his car in neutral, opens the door, and pushes himself down the hill with his foot. One time, we went to a Burger King, and I was only allowed chicken fries because a burger was “too expensive.”

4. Meet the Return Policy Maestro

u/halfadash6: My father took insane advantage of the Costco return policy. He returned an outdoor furniture set we’d had for about eight years. It was weather-worn, and a couple of pieces were broken. They took it, and he used the money to pay for most of a new patio set from Costco. Unbelievable.

5. Unveiling the Frugal Achievements of My Grandmother

u/Acetylene: When I was a little kid, I spent summers at my grandparents’ house, and one of my chores was setting the table before dinner every night. Whenever we had company for dinner, I was instructed to use “the good napkins.”

That meant the napkins that didn’t have restaurant logos printed on them. We only went to restaurants when my grandmother felt she could come out ahead on the deal, and there were many ways to accomplish this.

She clipped coupons, of course, but that was kids’ stuff. Whenever she did anything for someone, she’d get them to take her to dinner to “return the favor.” She had an enormous purse, which generally returned stuffed with napkins and food from the buffet.

She didn’t see much point in going to any restaurant that didn’t at least have a salad bar. One year, when my mother and I offered to take her to dinner for her birthday, we had to drive over an hour to get to a Sizzler she hadn’t been banned from.

6. Rolling in Savings

u/Askin_Real_Questions: My dad discovered where the giant industrial rolls you see in some shopping centers are sold and moved us over to that. It’s like one giant roll with about three or four normal rolls’ worth of toilet paper. I’ve never been so embarrassed having friends over.

7. My Grandmother’s Unbeatable Sears Lifetime Guarantee!

u/stone_opera: When my grandparents got married, they did their gift registry with Sears; that was back in the day (Late 1940s) when they had a ‘lifetime guarantee’ on almost everything they sold.

My grandmother has moved house almost ten times since then, but she has kept every flattened box and warranty for every appliance she got when she was married.

I drove her to Sears about two years ago to replace her iron. She brought all the boxing and paperwork from back in the 1940s to get a new one. Surprisingly, they fulfilled the guarantee and gave her a new iron!

I think it’s hilarious, but she hasn’t had to pay for a new appliance in over 60 years because she’s so cheap! She’s a Ukrainian immigrant to Canada and always insists, “Lifetime guarantee means lifetime guarantee.”

I feel bad for Sears because our family is notoriously long-lived (her father lived until 104). I sometimes think that maybe this is why Sears is doing so poorly: a ton of cheap old women cashing in on their lifetime guarantees.

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